Many of our clients have requested that cleans are still carried out. As a result, Majestic Cleaning is taking steps to ensure that our operatives are working in a safe manner which limits the infection risk and spread of coronavirus during the current outbreak.
During the coronavirus outbreak we expect our operatives to observe all H&S procedures and practices including (but not limited to) relevant RAMS, COSHH assessments, lone working procedures and recording all PPE checks on IAuditor.
In addition to the established systems of work, the following precautions should be taken as per the government guidelines for safe working.
The management team will all be working from home during the outbreak and can be reached on their mobile numbers or the office phone. You can also email the office with any queries.
REMEMBER – if you feel unwell or have any of the symptoms of coronavirus you should contact the office, not attend work and self-isolate as per the government guidelines. NHS Advice on Coronavirus can be found here.
Lone working
Where it is safe to do so tasks can be undertaken by one operative. When working alone you MUST observe all precautions stated in the lone working policy.
This will NOT include any working from height. The possible exception to this is where a ladder is used briefly and to a maximum height of 2M with the use of a ‘Rojax stopper’ (or equivalent) – See task and site specific RAMS.
Groundwork includes using conventional methods and poles and water fed pole work.
Transport to and from sites
Where possible drivers will be assigned to work. They should park as close to the site as possible – the office will enquire about parking even at sites where this is not usually possible as there will be a reduced number of client staff on site.
Where public transport can not be avoided social distancing should be observed as far as possible. This includes keeping a minimum distance of 2M between yourself and other passengers.
During this time non-drivers will not be collected by operatives with a company vehicle. Where this may impact on start times you should discuss this with the office and we can amend scheduled works.
If you do not have a van and you require additional consumables or equipment you should inform the office and we will ensure you are provided with this in a timely manner.
During this time you may wish to wear additional PPE. We are able to provide you with face masks (not face fitted) and disposable gloves.
Use of gloves
Please note that gloves are used to prevent cross contamination rather than to protect the users. With this in mind please remember to change your gloves on a regular basis – this should be every 2 hrs or when you move from one area to another. You also need to remove your gloves when using mobile phones or tablets and use fresh gloves afterwards.
Wearing gloves does not preclude the need to wash your hands – you should wash your hands when you arrive on site and again when you leave – even if you chose to wear gloves again afterwards.
Use of masks
The government advice on masks has been confusing but scientific information appears to support the idea that masks can be used to lessen the risk of infection from people who have Covid 19. However, there is no protection from becoming infected from those around you and so social distancing should still be observed wherever possible.
Working inside buildings
When working inside buildings the following additional precautions will be in place:
Social distancing – we will limit the number of operatives per floor. Unless otherwise stated this will be 2 people on the same floor at the same time. All operatives should work on opposite sides of the room or in separate offices / rooms where possible. As with lone working you should communicate via mobiles when you are not on the same floor / in the same room and ensure you check in at least once an hour and co-ordinate who will clean where.
Handwashing – we will be asking sites to provide a sink and some soap for you to wash your hands more frequently than usual. You should wash your hands as per the government guidelines for a minimum of 20 seconds (see useful links for diagram of process).
Working on external window cleaning
If you are working outside with one or more people the following additional precautions will be in place:
Social distancing – where possible you should maintain a minimum distance of 2 M from each other. Where this is not possible (e.g. when working in a cradle) first of all you should assess if this task is necessary to be performed. If you think that a task can be carried out safely using another method or working alone you should call the management team to discuss.
If the task is necessary and you cannot work safely 2 metres apart you should work as far away from each other as possible. You should work facing away from each other – never face to face. You should follow the guidance on PPE and hand washing. – The office will ask all clients to provide handwashing facilities for you.
If you are working in an enclosed space (e.g. inside a cab of an MEWP) and 2 people are required for H&S reasons you should keep the area well ventilated. In the majority of cradles used by Majestic Cleaning Ltd these are not enclosed and so ventilation is not required.
For more information please follow link below for government guidance for safe outdoor working.
Cleaning of equipment and tools
The risk of infection from the surface of clothes, tools and equipment is very small however, as always we expect you to maintain your equipment and tools in good working order, free of dirt and chemical staining. Please follow the PPE policy and procedure to ensure all PPE is kept clean and stored correctly. Equipment should be maintained as per manufacturer guidelines and can be wipred down with soapy water each day.
We recommend that you wash your work clothes at 60°C with an antibacterial detergent where possible.
You should clean your mobile phone and tablet when you return home from work. This can be safely accomplished using an isopropanol wipe or a little soap and water and a microfibre cloth. Full instruction can be found on the video in the useful links
Useful links
Handwashing guidance
Government guidelines for working outside
Social distancing at work
Cleaning your smart phone / tablet safely
This policy/procedure has been approved by: Mark Fawcett, Managing director (Majestic Cleaning Ltd)
Date: 20th April 2020
This policy is under constant review and will be updated as the government update their advice for safe working and social distancing.